Under review
TA Support Assignments
Is it posible to add another tab to the support assignments that only shows the courses that have TA's or readers? I don't know if it is a problem for others, but we have 100's of classes listed and the majority don't have TA's. So then I have to scroll through to make assignments. Or if you have another idea that would do the same thing? You can look at our current fall to see what I mean.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Kerry,
That is an interesting idea.
When you need to make a TA/reader assignment, do you have the individual and specific course in mind and just need to navigate to it quickly?
Or do you have an individual in mind that needs a TAship, and then review the courses that are marked as needing a TA, to find the best fit for that individual? If thats the case, would it be helpful to further indicate courses that have been allocated TAs, but have no TA assignments currently?
Or something else entirely?
For us, we only have a small number of our undergraduate (UG) and Teach Ed (TE) courses that get TA's. Currently we do not use readers. I know this is different than most departments. But we have a lot of courses - my 2018-19 year is almost current, so for example in Fall I have 285 courses on my list, only 26 of those have TA's. So generally I have trouble with lists because mine are long to scroll through (entered that as a separate request) but the TA list is particularly hard because so many don't even have TA's.
My process is to go through the courses and assign which get TA's for the year using our internal formula. I used the current By Course tab for that. I didn't use your TA Call, but I will need to start. I've assigned TA's this year from both sides - By Course and By Support Staff. They both work about the same for me. But if I could have just one more tab that was a subset of just those courses assigned TA's, that would be awesome. If you look at my Fall 2018 Support Assignments screen you will see what I mean.
Hi Kerry,
Thanks for elaborating. I could see other departments benefiting from this feature as well.