
Multiple Instructors of Record

Meshell Louderman 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

While in CS, we've never done multiple instructors of record (didn't think you could), we have been told that you can indeed have multiple instructors on record and that banner does accept this information. So, something to think about adding in IPA at some point. We are just now working on a course with two instructors, but haven't gone through the process so I don't know the exact process/details yet.



No problem!

Under review

I think IPA already supports this.

I don't know specifically what Banner means by 'instructor of record' but from our perspective a course can have up to three instructors listed. Banner refers to them as "primary" and then "instructor 2" and "instructor 3".

In IPA's Assignments section, you can assign more than one professor to a course.

Is this the feature you're thinking of?

Got it. I didn't realize you could add more than 1 instructor (I guess because I never tried it). thanks!


No problem!