Under review

When do past quarters "close"

Meshell Louderman 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

I noticed that in the 16-17 AY, the FQ and WQ data is "closed" so we can no longer make changes to these quarters. At what point does a particular quarter "close"?


Under review

I would be curious if this comes up again. Our thinking is perhaps we shouldn't have terms become un-editable when they close - we could simply flag that they're closed but continue to let departments organize their data.

Hi Meshell,

The current logic is that a term will become closed (no longer editable) in IPA after the last day of instruction for that term. It should match the dates here:


The assumption there (based on early feedback) is that no one ever needs to edit course data after the last day of instruction.

Does that close date match with how you think about the process? Or would it be better if terms never closed?

I definitely can see the purpose of closing it. I noticed today that I hadn't added in some instructors for WQ that were delayed until they got put in PPS. Then time got away from me and I just realized today, that I never got them into the system. In the future, I'll try to be more careful about making sure everything is in there by the end of the quarter. I'll let you know if it continues to be an issue for me. FYI, for this year, I just made a comment in the notes field for the particular instructor that they also taught a class in WQ.

Under review

I would be curious if this comes up again. Our thinking is perhaps we shouldn't have terms become un-editable when they close - we could simply flag that they're closed but continue to let departments organize their data.