Under review

Add user error

Christal Wintersmith 7 years ago updated by Lloyd Wheeler 7 years ago 2

I am getting an error when trying to add a 1st quarter graduate student (Manali Paralkar mpparalkar@ucdavis.edu).  The system recognizes her name and it seemed to add it but now I can not find her on the list and it will not add.



Hi Christal,

I fixed your specific issue with adding Manali to your workgroup. You should now see her in your user list and be able to assign her roles like normal.

I identified the related bug in the UI that allows this to happen in some cases, and we should have a fix out later today.

Under review

Hi Christal,

Thanks for letting us know, I'll take a look and see what's going on.


Hi Christal,

I fixed your specific issue with adding Manali to your workgroup. You should now see her in your user list and be able to assign her roles like normal.

I identified the related bug in the UI that allows this to happen in some cases, and we should have a fix out later today.