
Support Calls Collecting Availability

Bradley Wolf 7 years ago updated by Lloyd Wheeler 7 years ago 3

When sending out a support call, checking the box for "Collect Availability" allows you to left click to paint non-availability. When both "Collect Availability" and "Collect Availability (via CRN)" are checked, painting non-availability is disabled. For courses that a student may enroll in without a specific date/time (example: CHE 261 does not have a specific date/time listed in Banner), being able to paint availability as well as enter courses would be helpful.



Hi Brad,

The feature is now live, when making a support call you can now select one or the other, or both of the availability collection options. If you select both options it will allow the student to both paint, and supply CRNs to set their availability (per your scenario).

Under review

Hi Brad,

That sounds like a good idea,

I'll implement that this week and I'll let you know when its done.


Hi Brad,

The feature is now live, when making a support call you can now select one or the other, or both of the availability collection options. If you select both options it will allow the student to both paint, and supply CRNs to set their availability (per your scenario).