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Enrollment/Seats information by course is incorrect

Christal Wintersmith 4 years ago updated by Jarold Wong 4 years ago 5

Hi.  I'm looking at the per course enrollment/seats date for 19/20 and the data is incorrect.  The "Seats" max enrollment is doubling.  I haven't researched to see if the enrollment data is populating correctly.



This Budget Summary report won't print. When I click on the print icon, nothing happens.

wljackson 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2
anonymous 5 years ago

Hi Bill,

I've fixed the issue with the print button not working. It should print the pages just fine.

However, the pages are not well-formatted for printing. Do you just need the Summary tab printed, or is Schedule Costs and/or Funds important?


Teaching Call respondant feedback

William Angel 5 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 1

As Chemistry has sent out a teaching call through IPA, one of the issues we've run into is that some faculty aren't properly going through the "Submit" button -> "Confirm" flow. We've had a couple just hit submit and close the window, and a couple others just put their preferences in and close the window. 

It's not a ton of people -- and even in a big department it's no problem to follow up with them in person -- but I figured it was worth mentioning, if a solution (maybe more visual interest in the existing submission flow, or an on-close dialog?) could be found that didn't disrupt the experience of everyone who was managing to use it correctly. 

Thanks, have a good one!


Workload Summary Report issue

Meshell Louderman 5 years ago updated by Lloyd Wheeler 5 years ago 2

Can you fix the workload summary report so that it lists the quarters in date order; Fall, Winter Spring.  Right now, I'm looking at the CS 19-20 Summary, it shows Fall 2019, then Spring 2019, and then Winter 2019.  If someone isn't paying attention close enough, they may get the Winter and Spring assignments confused.

Lloyd Wheeler 5 years ago

Thanks for letting us know!

I just pushed a fix, and the issue should now be resolved.

Under review

split screens

Kerry Hasa 6 years ago updated by Lloyd Wheeler 6 years ago 1


Can the screens be split so that when you scroll down you can still see what is on top? For example on courses, if you go past about 15 courses you can no longer see what quarters you are in.



Under review

TA Support Assignments

Kerry Hasa 6 years ago updated by Lloyd Wheeler 6 years ago 3


Is it posible to add another tab to the support assignments that only shows the courses that have TA's or readers? I don't know if it is a problem for others, but we have 100's of classes listed and the majority don't have TA's. So then I have to scroll through to make assignments. Or if you have another idea that would do the same thing? You can look at our current fall to see what I mean. 



Searching answer

"undo" on reconciliation report

Kerry Hasa 6 years ago updated by Lloyd Wheeler 6 years ago 3


How do I undo if I said yes and realized it wasn't correct? I told several to match Banner, then realized Banner was wrong.


Does it keep checking against Banner and show up again if it no longer matches – like a room move after the quarter starts?




Reconciliation report - no instructors?

Kerry Hasa 6 years ago updated by qs888 4 years ago 3


I like the reconciliation report, but it doesn't include the instructor assigned. Was there a reason for that? Is it something that can be added?


anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Kerry,

I don't recall why that was the case but I've queued up a work item to add instructors to that report.

Thank you for letting us know.


attachment on budget comments

Kerry Hasa 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

We are working on an internal process to track buy outs, releases, etc. It would be really helpful if the Comments that could be made in Banner would accept an attachment, so we could attach the letter or other documentation and have everything in one place.

Under review

user roles - academic administrator

Kerry Hasa 6 years ago updated by Lloyd Wheeler 6 years ago 3

Hi - I have two Academic Administrators who teach. Is that going to be a role or should I make them Lecturers?
